Sunday 21 November 2010

friendship - gotta b a two way street , surely?

the last few years has been a busy few years in regards of engagement dos/hen dos/ weddings/ babies and with it has seen an unintentional shift in some of my friendships.

I know its all part of growing up and not for one minute am i wistfully looking back to the carefree days of "my yuff" or a jealously for "the big sparkly" ring. But I do regret how close friendship ties have changed (and not in a good way.)

It saddens me that people who I was incredibly close to, loads in common, shared a joke with I struggle to find much common ground.

Yes I am interested in, excited by sharing in events like planning for a wedding but to the same extent I would also like my friends to have an interest in sharing MY life/my news/my problems. Rather than a typical 30 minute catch up being 25 mins about "plans" and a rather flippant "so how are you anyway"" asking about me stuck at the end.

However once the "big stork" brings a little bundle things seem to get worse. Again I understand how totally amazing it is this gift of life for you and your bloke however it is NOT the most important thing in MY life. When I phone up to catch up or arrange to meet you i dont need to hear the every Ins and Outs of the "wee woman" or "wee man" (footnote: i frikkin HATE those phrases!!!!) YOU are my friend, YOU are the one I'm interested in... I dont or understand things like epidural, reflux, infections so if I have a rather glazed expression you can understand why.

So thats about it. It will interesting to see what happens over the next few years.