Saturday 17 July 2010

The game of the juggling balls

just read this in the book Im reading at the mo and it struck a real cord.

"Imagine that life is a game in which you are juggling 5 balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends and integrity. You concentrate on keeping them all in the air. Sometimes this is easy to do and other times it is harder and you fear that you will be unable to keep juggling.

But what some people dont understand that the "work ball" is rubber. In that if it is dropped it will bounce back again. However the other 4 balls (family, friends, health and intergrity) are made of glass. If you drop one of these then it will be irrevocably scuffed, damaged or perhaps even shattered.

So once you finally truely understand the lessons of the 5 balls then you will have the beginnings of balance in your life."

This is sooo true. We go through life never really appreciating how precious things are until they are questioned. How many times do we fail to realize times we spend with our family or friends will be the things we remember when we are old and grey and long since outta the loop of work?

The rubber ball is exactly that. If anyone of us died tomorrow the harsh reality is even though our immediate work collegues would mourn us, miss us etc life goes on and there would be someone new sitting in our chair in 3 months time. However for the family, friends, loved one and people we left behind then their life will never be the same again.

Or the importance of our health.. Again Im lucky to be born with everything working properly and I take it for granted without a thought. That was until an irregular smear a few years back. At the time this was pretty scary as it was also around the time of the Jade Goody Cancer story just coming to light. Luckily everything was fine but now when I get the letter from the Smear Clinic telling my its time for my regular check out then its no longer a cringy thing that i try to put off.

So what have I learnt?

Yes work hard, give ur all, be committed BUT put more of your effort into ensuring that you keep your glass balls aloft!

1 comment:

  1. How very true! You can get a career at any point but your health will always get worse and your family is the main key to happiness. Well said!
